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Ontario, 20th December 2020
wrapped gift

The holiday season is just around the bend and even with the scare of the pandemic still looming around us we turn towards what’s positive anyway. It’s the season we get to share our love and joy with the people who matter to us most. And what could be more positive than Christmas gifts. 

But as the world is slowly shifting into a time of sustainability and ecological responsibility, we too, see it as an important path to follow. And what better way than to  start with how we wrap our gifts.

Let’s find out 7 ways we can be eco-friendly and creative in our gift wrapping adventures this Christmas.

1. Creatively Wrap Using Old Scarves or Beautiful Ribbons on Colored Towels.


It’ll actually turn out as a two-in-one gift. The gift that’s hidden inside and the wrapper that can be reused again as the receiver sees fit. It’s fun, unusual and totally eco-friendly. You can even find interesting ways of wrapping the gifts like how they do it in Japan by making a furoshiki.

2. Recycle and Redesign An Old Packaging Box


Those packaging boxes are great for transporting and for gifting as well. All you need is to redesign it a bit with trinkets like old fancy jewelry or decorative painting. Old ribbons can work wonders as well. If you have small jewelry boxes that aren’t in use, they can be perfect to contain small gifts. Or you can do a box within a box within a box. That’s some fun nesting doll-like gifting and you can even customize them to make them look like nesting dolls.

3. Use a Tote or Eco Bag That You Don’t Mind Giving Away

Using a tote can be something of a personal touch. It can mean that you care about that personal enough to give something that you like. You can even make it more personal by sewing in a little note to the bag. You can put in some grocery items and you can surprise your loved one with two gifts and a thoughtful, loving message

4. Use Old Newspapers to Make Your Gift Vintage


Your brother’s training hard for that decathlon he’s entering next year. What better gift to give than an amazing Blu Toque Bluetooth Beanie For Running that he can wear without having to bring separate headphones in this cold weather.

5. Old Mason Jars For Food Gifts Or Other Things

old jars

Even if your gift isn’t food, an old mason jar can be a perfect container for a unique gifting idea. You can put your gift inside and maybe fill it up with tiny paper stars or tiny rolled papers with little notes on them. Your special person will love that especially.

6. Brown Paper Bags

paper bags

You can either recycle these brown paper bags as they are (provided they were used to pack dry goods) and decorate them with ribbons and glitter glue or cut them up and use them as wrapping paper. Gives a whole new meaning to recycling.

7. Re-using Gift Paper Bags

reused paper bags

There’s no harm in re-using gift paper bags because it’s always the thought that counts in every gift. Remember that helping the planet is an amazing gift wrapping idea itself. Just write that note there saying, “My previous owner wants to reduce waste so she’s thinking that you can use me in some way.” Simple, smart and sustainable.

If you’ve recycled everything you could and you can only get store bought gift wrappers, then don’t forget to support local shops that sell products with sustainable materials. Papers with plastic on them are usually those that are glossy and don’t have the scrunchie sound. Make sure to re-use them enough since those aren’t recyclable.

Ready to do some Christmas Shopping? 

At MightyMount, all our products are sustainably made using recyclable and eco-friendly materials. Even our packaging has zero single-use plastics and is made from 100% recyclable paper-based packaging.

Still not enough sustainability for you? Well even down to the ink we use is plant-based soy ink. 

This is the granular attention to detail we get down to with all our products so you can feel good knowing that the products you buy are better for our Planet :)